doTERRA South East Asia Leadership Retreat 2023
23 and 24 June 2023 at Kuala Lumpur Pearl Point Hotel. CatEagle done simultaneous Interpreting and provides SIS equipment for two days event. CatEagle in charge of English-Chinese Mandarin simultaneous interpreting and partially in charge of English-Thai simultaneous interpreting, as well as providing all the SI Interpreting equipment to the conference.
doTERRA 东南亚领袖训练营,猫头鹰负责大会同声翻译和翻译设备。猫头鹰需要接受更艰难的挑战,突破自己,培育新人,主力栽培可以信赖有诚信的新人,可以交托的新秀,再上一层楼。猫头鹰负责中文英文和泰文同声翻译,提供设备。