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If you are home based and full time freelancer to a company, or you been asked to work from home during the coronavirus pandemic per the local government instruction so as to help slow the spread of the virus, you might be quite relax and new experience. Think of the benefits such as saving on commuting time and expenses, avoid all sort of traffic congestion, and being in a comfortable environment, at home, free and easy. Anyhow the home environment has numerous distractions that can make it easy to procrastinate and not get your work done on time. Whether you are new to working from home or are a long-time remote worker who struggles with staying on task some days, these evidence-based strategies can help you reduce procrastination and stay productive.
- Design a work schedule
The home environment lacks the structure of a office environment where there are timed breaks and clear start and finish times. Creating a schedule tailored to the work you want to get done can add that missing structure, reducing the procrastination that tends to take place otherwise. So make a plan for your work that has clear and realistic goals that you can expect to achieve within a given time frame. If your goal is to do translation for a ten-page report, break that task down into smaller and more manageable steps that are less overwhelming. Therefore, understandable, by organizing your larger task into several smaller ones also provides opportunities to experience small successes, which can accumulate and help keep you motivated and productive. - Break time
Whichever way you organize your work-at-home schedule, pre-determined to include reasonable breaks. Plan interval for meals as well as short breaks to re-energize body and refresh mind. Should be careful be not ignorant, short breaks checking personal email or social media can turn into indulgence on procrastinating in the form of cyberloafing as well as cyberslacking if you fall short of personal discipline. - Imminent Tackle Uncertainty
If you find yourself struggling to start or finish a work task, it may be because you’re unsure about what needs to be done to complete your work. When you are working at home, it can be harder to get quick answers to reduce this uncertainty. People tend to procrastinate on tasks that are unclear or confusing and when they are not sure about what they are supposed to do. This is because such tasks can create feelings of uncertainty that are unpleasant, and that arouse feelings of self-doubt and self-criticism. Procrastination is more likely to occur when people experience unpleasant feelings related to a task that they can’t tolerate or manage. - Clear system guidance
Before you start a new or unfamiliar work task, briefly check to ensure you have clear guidance about what needed. Generally we don’t always know what we don’t know, post-initiation of the task would eventually triggered you to realize that you’re missing important information or are unclear about what’s needed to final implementation. Better aware of when you experience feelings of uncertainty is the first step towards harnessing this unpleasant feeling thus prior action of pre-emptive understandings to get the information needed is a kind of solid prevention of hiccups. Having a list of key people you can contact, or a list of support tools, in order for quick support can also help in case you find yourself being paralyzed by uncertainty. - Reduce distractions and discipline
Working at home means having to deal with potential distractions that can take you off task. Setting yourself up to work in a quiet space that is likely to have little or no traffic from family members or flatmates is a good first step. But remote working can also involve being online and having access to a number of digital temptations. Some people are good at turning a blind eye to these distractions and can stay focused without wavering. But tedious work is boring, stressful or causes you self-doubt then watching funny videos become an escape enable you feel relieve at the expense of getting your work done. Controlling how and when you are allowed to go online for non-work purposes can minimize exposure to distractions from your digital environment and reduce the risk of procrastination. - Prepare and Plan well for interruptions
Even the best-laid plans to set aside time to get your work done can fall apart when unexpected interruptions appear. If you’re not prepared, that call from your mum who just wants to chat can tempt you to procrastinate and throw your work schedule off track. One approach proven to be effective for closing the gap between intentions and actions is reducing procrastination. This definitely enhance our productivity, the alternative key is to make specific else then plans for dealing with interruptions with solid reaction counterplan. This involves first thinking about the possible interruptions you might encounter, and then rehearsing how you will respond. You must know what is urgent and important, what is not urgent but important, what is not important but urgent and what is not urgent and not important. - The true meaning of work
Many companies perceive a lack of positive feelings about a task can also contribute to procrastination. When you work at home you are surrounded by things that are personally meaningful to you. In comparison, your work can seem less meaningful. This contrast may make it difficult at times to stay focused and productive. Reminding yourself why your work is important and valuable to you can help rebalance the scale to increase positive feelings towards your work and reduce procrastination while working from home. After all, the work assigned to you definitely is important and meaningful, else it won’t assigned to you at first place. Your work has strong repercussion to the company and the clients as a whole.
//Soong Yee, 10 May 2020 written
犹太人,上帝的选民,全世界只有2000万人分居不同地方,亡国2000年流落外邦,一个小小民族却有异常的坚韧和成就。我们今天尚且看看这个民族,犹太经典和圣经旧约里都有提到他们是上帝的选民。 以色列人自古以来秉持的经商之道:
- 没有目标难于成功
- 注重道德和善行
- 协约高于逻辑
- 绝不允许合同出现漏洞
- 相信耶和华神的帮助
- 以善为本的经营策略
- 探讨经营风险
- 毁约就是违背耶和华神
- 对自己不利也不能违约
- 遵守规则和条例
- 安息日自己不工作
- 安息日全体员工必须休息
- 不做虚假的广告和宣传
- 比别人更早一步开始营业
- 比他人更早开拓市场
- 快人一步抓信息
- 不做没有道德的事
- 不做假商品,不做假货
- 积累知识比积累金钱更重要
- 信息是最有价值的货物
- 成交值不单指价钱
- 口碑第一赚钱第二
- 生意一定要赚钱
- 赚钱就是生意的最高目标
- 时间是最宝贵的金钱
- 懂得放弃不强留
- 懂得使用商业游戏规则
- 为他人着想就是为自己生意铺路
- 垃圾也有用处
- 每天读五页书
- 每天让头脑多多走动不停
- 不要逃税,懂得使用方法避免多税
- 必须看到满地黄金,就是要自己制造本事去拿
- 小鱼吃大鱼方法
- 研究明白怎样绝处逢生
- 价格不是一切
- 不占便宜但是不能吃亏
- 疏忽就要承担全部责任
- 不怕没有人买得起赚钱思维
- 分散投资,减低风险
- 从事多远业务,一定有一个赚钱
- 只要有赚钱机会就要保握
- 不做危害社会的生意,信靠耶和华神
- 要熟读法律
- 市场未形成前不能贱卖产品
- 生意就用生意角度谈,不是慈善
- 靠体力绝不会赚到大钱
- 信任是成功交易的前提
- 要把所有的账都收回来
- 逆向思维更容易打开思路
- 走出思想框框,从高度思考
- 生意做不成也笑脸相迎成为朋友
- 任何货品都不能一点掺假,不能骗人
- 不要把应付货款留在第二天
- 必须付出全部努力,不要随便交货
- 谦虚的营业才会有经营
- 懂得学习,懂得道歉
- 不怕生意小,就是怕做不好
- 当天的事当天完毕
- 脑子机灵,常常思考数学题
- 做别人不敢做的生意
- 正业以外必须开拓副业
- 瞄准富有一代的口袋
- 敢于冒险,勇于计算风险
- 研究消费者心理变迁
- 绝不一成不变,赶于跟上时代
- 多听长者和年轻人的意见
- 多多和客户交谈
- 客户第一,盈利第二
- 贪财是万恶之根
// Lee Soong-Yee, 24 May 2020 written
The Milky Way is the galaxy in which the Earth resides. Its one of the 100 billion galaxies in the universe. The Milky Way is a barred spiral galaxy that is about 100,000 light-years across. Our solar system is one third from the edge of the Milky way. The closest galaxy to our Milky Way is the Andromeda Galaxy, which is bright, larger and away from Earth, at 2.3 million light-years distance.
There are estimated about 350 billions planets in our Milky Way. Is there Extraterrestrial Civilizations in our Milky Way. Or we commonly known as aliens or ET. To first answer this puzzle, we need mathematic and probability calculation. Let us deep dive into the Drake Equation. This equation estimates the number of detectable Extra-terrestrials Civilizations in our Milky Way, supposing our present electromagnetic detection methods propagate seamlessly well.
- The Drake equation states:
- N = Ns x fp x ne x fl x fi x fc x fL
- N = number of alien civilizations in the Milky Way
- Ns = estimated number of stars in the Milky Way;
- fp = fraction or percentage of these stars with planets on its orbits;
- ne = average number of these planets with potential to host life as we know it;
- fl = percentage of these planets that actually develop life;
- fi = percentage of these planets that actually develop intelligence on human level;
- fc = percentage of these civilizations that actually develop electromagnetic radiation emitting technologies;
- fL = percentage of these civilizations that keep emitting electromagnetic signals to space. This factor is extremely dependent on the lifetime a civilization remains electromagnetic communicative.
The L term is considered the most important one in Drake equation. We have no idea how long a technological civilization can last. From here we need to understand further the Galactic selection and the Creation of God. Anyway, we resorted to the traditional astrophysics theory for fundamental debriefing. As a result, Statistical Drake Equation (SDE) was introduced further to calculate the ETC. It is mathematically more complex and robust than the Classical Drake Equation (CDE).
The SDE is based on the Central Limit Theorem, which states that given the enough number of independent random variables with finite mean and variance, those variables will be normally distributed as represented by a Gaussian or bell curve in a plot. In this way, each of the seven factors of the Drake Equation become independent positive random variables.
SDE method will incorporate the standard variation concept, the sigma, it said how much variation exists from the average value. In this case the standard variation concept can be very high or mediumly high. We can derived the results as such besides human on earth, zero to 15,000 advanced technological societies could exist in the Milky Way. The turning key here is zero. But would not be likely true, or unlikely be true.
The universe is more than 13 -15 billion years old. Many other planets throughout the universe probably hosted intelligent life long before our Earth did. That means that even if there have been 1,000 civilizations in our own galaxy, if they live only at certain period of times. 1000 is typical most correct and most probable mathematic calculation theoretically true. Along the long pipeline of time traverse over last 15 billion years universe age. Some others won’t evolve until we are not as advanced to contact them. For us to have much chance of success in finding another contemporary active technological civilization, on average they must last much longer than our present lifetime. The average distance we should expect to find any alien intelligent life form may be 2,700 light-years from Earth. Human technologies need these light years speed to get the electromagnetic wave to the nearest civilized solar system and get a reply about the same length of time travel.
Bottom line, the human technological civilization must be able to sustain at least for more than 10,000 years in order to detect an ETC (外星人).
//Soong-Yee, 17 May 2020, summarized and adapted from different articles and research