Chinese To English Translation
CatEagle provides comprehensive English to Chinese and Chinese to English translation, two ways, bi-directional. All translation done by qualified CatEagle translators @ high quality, on time delivery and with 7 QC steps quality control.
25 years in Translation and Interpretation / 25年翻译服务经验
Pls, contact SYLee +(60)12 – 616 1623 SY Lee (MIEEE, AMIM, B.Engineering, MCS, Certificate Chinese Education, Dip Science, Malaysia HRDC Certified Technical Trainer, Theological Cert) CatEagle Translation & Training, Malaysia.
Our rate is one of the most competitive in this region with RM 0.25 to RM 0.4 per source word, with 7 QC step type of quality control in CatEagle.
Quality Control System
Receiving -> Categorizing -> Translation -> Validating Proof Reading -> Checking -> Outgoing

CatEagle Chinese – English translator team consists of :
- 4 translators with degree in linguistic
- 6 translators with degree in engineering
- 4 translators with degree in arts or mass communication
- 1 translator with degree in law
- 1 translator with degree in theology
- 3 translators with master in engineering
- 2 translators with master of science
- 1 translator with PhD
- 1 translator with Master of Divinity
- 1 interpreter with MIEEE and degree in engineering
- 1 interpreter with degree in linguistic
- 1 interpreter with degree in mass communication
- 1 interpreter with MBA
- 1 interpreter with degree in Law
- 1 interpreter with Master of Divinity
猫头鹰翻译社提供 :
- 中文-英文 和 英文-中文 的翻译服务
- 中文到全世界26种语文的翻译工作
- 中文-英文同步传译
- 24位中英翻译员;每天能够做一万字的翻译量
- 6位中英传译员; 每天能够同时进行4份同步传译工作;每天能够同时进行4场同声传译工作
Major Customer

CatEagle done Translation and Interpretation at Thaniland Bangkok Event !