
21 Years Pionner in Translation, Interpretation & Training at Malaysia. Accumulation of over 3800 clients

Translation supports over 25 languages and over 80 language pairs, covering over 95% of the languages used by Internet users around the world. At the same time, our engineering team provide 15 engineering and technical training courses to university, corporat, government and NGO.

Translation Services
Whether you need a warehouse of documents translated or a single memo, we can handle the work for you quickly, affordably, and reliably. We have done translation of all sort of document, over the last 25 years. We adhere strictly to our 7QC quality control methodology in house. Quality control : Internal 7 QC steps methodology Process flow : Categorization -> Translation -> Proof reading -> Localization -> Layman check.
Your company image is only as good as the text you put out there on your web sites, your mailings, even your business cards. Whether translated or not you need to be confident in the text you’re standing behind, and that takes a trained eye combined with years of language experience – and that’s precisely what we offer.
Transcription Services
Powered by technology but staffed by human beings, One Hour Transcription is the world’s only Cloud-based transcription service.
Technical Team Building
Branded and trade mark oriented Technical Team Building, differ vastly from ordinary team building. Specifically tailored for engineering and manufacturing ! See to believe the differences
Engineering Training

At CatEagle, we are expert in engineering consultancy and engineering, technical and management training to industry! We have done more than 20 cases of 5S training, and more than 50 cases of engineering training, mostly FMEA, 8D, Risk Analysis, 7 QC, Problem Solving and Decision Making, Kaizen, TPM, DMAIC, Lean Sigma, FMEA, DFMEA, Poka Yoke, Risk Matrix, GRR, Test Methodology, Preventive Maintenence, process improvement, 8D report, Technical Report writing, and others!

EMCEE For Function
Our EMCEE support various International Customers in few languages. We have done more than 150 cases of master of ceremony in corporate, churches and other organization.

Novena Ting

Simultaneous Interpreting
A simultaneous Interpreter interprets from the source language to the target language concurrently at the same time as the speaker speaks. A Simultaneous Interpretation is usually required for large conferences, international seminars, training seminars, parliament, United Nation, whereby the listeners need to understand the speakers immediately. Usually, there is a high number of listeners, relayed via separate channels from the Interpretation booths to the audience headsets, during such events. To maintain a higher degree of concentration to interpret continuously for more than 4 hours per session, a pair of skilled simultaneous Interpreters may be needed to work together. The interpretation is heard by the audience with the help of Simultaneous Interpretation (SI) Equipment.
Technical Interpretation
CatEagle the well know technical interpreting company in Malaysia. Our founder and interpreters mostly from the technical engineering background with more than 10 years of engineering experiences. We have experience and knowledge in a specialized field to be able to effectively interpret from the speaker to the audience. The specialized field are conferences relating to the technical audit, medical, legal, engineering and technical discussion.

Our Benefits

Translation You Can Trust

Your company image directly reflects the messaging you communicate on your customer-facing material. To maintain perfect quality, each translation we provide is scanned for errors by 3 linguists and corrected by an editor.

Implement your training needs

We put you in control of your company with right and customize training

Meeting your deadlines, 24/7

To save your time, we streamlined the entire workflow, eliminating all delays. With top interpreters, professional translators and certified trainers, we ensure near perfect delivery !

Being able to translate industry-specific, technical terms requires a deep understanding of the subject matter. That’s why our certified, professional translators are also subject matter experts, and are equipped with the necessary knowledge, terminology and technical know how needed to contextually translate your documents. Whether your needs are technical, legal or financial, you will be matched with an CatEagle translator that is a subject matter expert in your desired field. At CatEagle, we are expert in engineering consultancy and engineering, technical and management training to industry ! We have done more than 20 cases of 5S training, and more than 50 cases of engineering training, mostly FMEA, 8D, Risk Analysis, 7 QC, Problem Solving and Decision Making, Kaizen, TPM and others!

CatEagle has over 45 certified professional translators working in more than 25 languages with more than 100 language pairs, ready to handle all of your translation projects. We provide one stop service for your event, both interpreting, EMCEE and SIS equipment rental. CatEagle has the expertise in all event languages, and EMCEE requirement.

When translating a website, it is critical to take into account local languages, cultures and conventions. Cateagle enables your website to communicate to a wide array of cultures while respecting their cultural and social conventions.

CatEagle has the capacity to support engineering, technical and management training. We provides all sort of engineering training in University, corporate, government agencies and private sector. Example, 5S, 6 Sigma, FMEA, 8D, ESD, Problem Solving and Decision Making, TPM, Kaizen, Cost reduction, SMART Goal, Productivity, 7 QC steps, Statistical tools, DMAIC, Technical Report, Poka Yoke, 7 Wastes, Quality System, ISO, LEAN Sigma, Lean manufacturing and etc.

CatEagle bring full consultancy to factory and manufacturing cost reduction project. CatEagle has proven record of successful cost reduction, especially for manufacturing thru Cost reduction program, Kaizen, and Poka Yoke method. At CatEagle you pay per word and there’s no minimum fee per project. All your translated content is stored automatically in the cloud for future use with our Translation Memory technology. In the long term, you enjoy discounts for repetitive and leveraged content.

《 马来西亚吉隆坡21年历史翻译培训社 》

翻译服务 ; 口译服务 ; 工程培训 ;领导力培训 ; 团队建设

1. 同传翻译;同传口译
4. 工程培训
5. 领导力培训
1. 同传翻译;同传口译
4. 工程培训
5. 领导力培训
7. 大会司仪
8. 同声翻译器材
9. 公司团队建设
10. 数字网络

25年翻译和口译经验 ; 15 年工程技术顾问培训公司;1年公司团队建设活动

CatEagle: Interpretation and Translation Team Members

CatEagle: Engineering, Technical and Leadership Training Team

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