CatEagle sent two Chinese-English interpreter to Vietnam for the Market Asia simultaneous interpretation - 猫头鹰翻译培训设派遣两位资深翻译员到越南做同声翻译。
Conducting training for french company
29 Feb 2020 whole day from 8am to 4pm provide Engineering Kaizen training to a group of 10 engineering consultants. 我今天教导(工程改善)培训给10位工程顾问。
28 Mar 2019 done translation court witness and explain translation and interpretation terminologies at Shah Alam High Court. 在马来西亚沙亚南高等法庭做翻译证人。
16 Oct 2019 CatEagle Translation and Training interpreter Wan Ling done consecetive interpretation for China Port delegates at Port Klang and West Port. 猫头鹰翻译培训社翻译员李婉宁为中国港口官员在马来西亚巴生港口和西港做交替翻译。感谢荣耀归主耶稣!
I conducted training and teaching Engineering 5S at Herriot Walt University for 25 staff, assistant, associate professors , research, lab and others. 讲课教导英国Herriot Walt 大学25位职员,包括大学副教授和研究员5S工程课程。 15 Aug 2018 ! Glory to God our LORD. 荣耀归神 ! 可以与多位教授交流也获益良多。Also it's a big benefit for me to exchange idea with many associate professors.
Simultaneous interpreting for United Nation World City Day
2 July 2019 提供领导与策划学习培训营给马来西亚华人残障学会,让 17 个障友有机会学习 SWOT 优劣分析法和 SMART 目标设定,义务免费教导,我全程使用中文讲课,大家都欢喜学习。Provide volunteer Leadership Training on SWOT and SMART Goal to 17 members from Malaysia Chinese Disable Association. I delivered training fully in Chinese Mandarin. Job well done; all Glory to God. 一切荣耀归神!
6 days consecutive interpratation for Honda Malaysia. 马来西亚Honda工厂翻译6天。Year 2017
Simultaneous interpreation at Sarawak Sibu for USA NU SKIN event. 美国如新企业同步翻译
Glory to God, to our LORD Jesus Christ......another project for CatEagle Translation and Training,on 26 Mar 2019 ! Today interpreting for the China Beijing Green Food Development Center Deputy Director General Dr Yang PS, at Malaysia on the Green Food certification and Palm Oil certification and testing for export to China. 今天为中国绿色食品发展中心副主任杨博士做翻译,有关绿色食品认证,和马来西亚棕榈油认证及出口中国认证。
25 Sep 2018 CatEagle Translation and Training done Simultaneous interpreting for LAZADA collaboration with Alibaba. Total 2000 participants attended the event. we also provide interpreting equipment booth, transmitter, console and ear phone. 猫头鹰翻译社为LAZADA 坐同声翻译,同时也提供翻译器材与耳机。 2000人出席大会。
Interpretating at Kuala Lumpur High court 吉隆波法庭翻译 - Sep 2017 (2 days)
CatEagle team strategy discussion and optimization for clients (SYLee, Andrea Lim, Thomas Lee)
3 Jun, 2019 CatEagle transcription and Artificial intelligence project gather at Melaka and Kuala Lumpur with all our comrades. In God we Trust!
Glory to God our LORD Jesus Christ ! In God we Trust !! CatEagle Translation and Training (猫头鹰翻译培训社) another big project on 25 to 26 Apr 2019 at KLCC. We did 16 hours of simultaneous interpretation per day. We sent 3 top notch interpreters here at KLCC. 猫头鹰三位顶尖翻译员;每天同步翻译16个小时。 Insurance company of Ten Million Club attended by 2000 audience. Mostly senior leaders of Ten Million Club TMC from China and Million Dollar Round Table MDRT and Top Of Table TOT from Malaysia as well as top guns of local insurance companies. Opening by Deputy Speaker of Dewan Rakyat Lower House of Parliament YB Nga Kor Ming spiced up with captivating performance of Chinese Rock Opera Troupe from Beijing... 一切荣耀都归给我们永生的上帝耶和华我们的神 (卫理公会,复临安息日会,弟兄会翻译员)
CatEagle done Interpol event (France) at Sabah 沙巴州- 国际刑警 (法国)- Apr 2018
Glory to God our LORD Jesus Christ. 荣耀归耶和华我们的神! Another milestone for CatEagle. The Christ Centered company ! 归耶和华为圣! 21 to 22 March 2019 consecutively 3 days CatEagle Translation and Training done simultaneous interpreting at KLCC on Auto Mechanical conference from Hong Kong. CatEagle mobilized 5 interpreters for 2 booths and two conferences and training session. 猫头鹰翻译培训社同声翻译!
5 Jun 2018 conducted Engineering 8D training and lecture to a group of engineers at Petaling Jaya. Public Training. 提供工程讲课和培训给一群工程师。 Done well for our LORD, to Him be the Glory ! 荣耀归神!
雪兰尔中华大会堂 @ 07 Marc 2020 讲座 @ 中小企业的汉语文化和生存,受到武汉肺炎及滂沱大雨影响,出席人数不理想,只有25人出席。讲员; 钱进逸讲师,叶昱琳同学,李颂义讲师,主持李婉宁同学,登记朱庭浩老师。
猫头鹰工程培训课程 CatEagle provides Engineering Training and lectures 5 MAR 2019 @ I done public training at Vistana Hotel on Engineering 8D Training for 8 engineers and academicians. Students from Both Malaysia and Brunei. 我提供8D工程课程培训讲课給8 位工程师和大学学术人员。学生来自马来西亚和文莱。 Yes. 一切荣耀归神! All Glory to God.
CatEagle assigned 2 SI INTERPRETERS for 1st Malaysia Organic Conference in KL on 10 Dec 2017. Lim and Jac
Interpreting for High Voltage transmission and transformer - Feb 2019
Simultaneous interpreting for USA Training company Booth Camp training - CatEagle mobilized 4 interpreters.
Arrived at Jeju Island Korea for Hewlett Packard conference simultaneous interpreting project 15 Sep 2018.. 韩国济州准备同声翻译给岛普惠国际研讨会 @ 15 Sep 2018. 主要讨论 :- 当前,我们正身处在数据大潮中,企业需要利用大量数据不断地改善和提升人工智能的效率与性能,从数以亿计的数据中找到有价值的信息,从而将数据转化为实时业务决策,将业务决策再转化为行动,进而转化为成功.
Simultaneous interpreting for NU Skin Malaysia.
Year 2016 HP convention at Macau China. I done simultaneous interpretation for 3 days. 中国澳门举行2016年度惠普亚洲大会,我同声翻译三天。
CatEagle sent our interpreter to China Changchun done consecutive interpreting for Dutch company on technical audit - May 2018 5 days
Oct 2018 Simultaneous Interpreting for World Master Card conference at Kuala Lumpur
Consecutive interpreting for France engineer at Han Wah Solar Panel
SYLee Provide simultaneous interpretation @ 3 days for Taiwan motivatinoal speaker 4U Institute at Penang, Malaysia. 为4U台湾激励讲师Micheal Jiang提供激励培训中英翻译。
Done 2 days interpreting for Peru and Switzerland Mining company
CatEagle Translation and Training done simultaneous interpretation at LAZADA Malaysia Wecommerce conference on 8 Oct 2019, attended by 3000 participants. We mobilized 4 interpreters for morning and evening session. Image may contain: 1 person, sitting
Oct 2019 @ CatEagle Translation and Training prepare and organize the technical team building at Eco Venture Resort.
重出江湖 7 Feb 2018 @ 生病沉静无声4个月后起航 Resume work after 4 months sick and silent. Conducted the Public FMEA course.
Done simultaneous interpretation for One Belt One Road @ Bank of China; 中国银行做同声翻译 – 一带一路
Simultaneous interpreting for China Construction Bank - 5 days July 2019; second largest bank in the world. In God we Trust and Glory to Jesus.
Conducting training for french company
7 to 10 Jan 2019, CatEagle done simultaneous interpretation at Bangkok Convention Center, Thailand. CatEagle provides Chinese and Japanese interpretation. This 3 days event organized by a unicorn multinational mobile apps company. Two thousands attended this event from 15 countries. 泰国曼谷会展中心做同步翻译三天, 国际手机移动与系统发展公司, 15个国家2000人出席参与大会。
25 September 2019 : - CatEagle Translation and Training another successful job today for Taiwan Celebrities; consecutive interpretation! 猫头鹰翻译培训社为台湾明星和电影发布会做交替翻译。 瑶瑶(郭书瑶)和范少勋为第2季《通灵少女》来马宣传, 新闻发布会和面谈翻译 !出动三位猫头鹰翻译员。 For the Taiwanese Movie Teenage Psychic in Malaysia and South East Asia. We mobilized 3 interpreters Ethan Zhu 庭浩(CatEagle chief Admin), Kelly Wong 佩珊 (CatEagle Chief interpreter) and Liew (interpreter Malay) for the entire interview and the press conference.
26 to 29 Sept 2019 CatEagle Translation and Training done consecutive interpretation for Taiwan Government Agricultural Expo at Kuala Lumpur. 猫头鹰翻译培训社为台灣農機工業同業公會。Our interpreter Lee Wan Ling and former intern now new graduate Yap Yu Lin did well. 郵寄:25169新北市淡水區新興街 30 號 12 樓 Taiwan Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers Association.
Simultaneous interpretation for World City Tourism conference at Penang, Malaysia
Done simultaneous interpreting for 2019 Wonderful World Film Festival. 美好世界电影节做同声翻译 @ 29 May 2019。
CatEagle Translation and Training Japanese interpreter - 1 July done Consecutive interpretation for Bar Master Japanese guru at Kuala Lumpur. 猫头鹰翻译培训社日语翻译员为日本酒类大师做交替翻译
4 and 5 Apr 2019 done simultaneous interpretation for NU Skin at Kuala Lumpur. 两天做同步翻译 CatEagle - The company trust in God and all our interpreters and staff put our full trust in Jehovah our LORD.
CatEagle early Jun simultaneous interpretation for Malaysia and China conglomerate - MLM and block chain company at Kuala Lumpur
Technical Training and Lecture @ Glory to God our LORD Jesus Christ. On 22 to 24 Apr 2019 I conducted the Engineering 7QC and New 7 QC Training and lectures for China Steel Corporation (CSC) at Melaka factory, to a group of 25 engineers and technical specialist. 荣耀归上帝我们的神耶和华!我教导工程七个质量管理系统课程给中国钢铁集团马六甲分公司25位工程师和技术专员!
Done two days simultaneous interpreting for Europe Software company at Bali Island, Indonesia
Doing Simultaneous interpretation at Macau for HP International
Interpretating for Kuala Lumpur Tong Shin Hospital 为吉隆坡同善医院做翻译 - September 2017
SYLee conducted 5S training and 5S methodology consultation and implementation at Japanese Company - 1.5 years ; 颂义提供5S 培训和5S 咨询服务及落实方案给日本企业 (时间-1年半)
Conducted 5S training at Brunei University to 120 executive and government officers, reported widely by Brunei newspaper. 提供5S培训讲课给120执行人员和政府官员, 地点文莱大学,得到文莱报障积极报道。
Interpret for Xia Men University 为厦门大学翻译 - Sep 2017
Glory to God our LORD ~ 荣耀归神我们的主 21 to 24 Oct 2019, done simultaneous interpretation at Farimont Hotel, Makati Manila for Angeas Insurance Belgium and Asia Pacific. 4天在菲律宾,马尼拉,为比利时及亚太富通保险做同声翻译。
21 May 2018 interpret for Chinese arbitration delegate at Asia Internaional Arbitration center. 替中国忡裁官员各代表于亚洲国际忡裁庭翻译
4 days simutaneous interpretation at Kuala Lumpur for AFC (Asian Football Confederation) 为亚洲足球联合会做同声翻译。
2019 - UTAR intern and top student (President award) undergoes intensive training at CatEagle on interpretation and translation - done full translation at Shah Alam factories, courts and Cyberjaya factories.
13 Jun 2019 CatEagle Translation and Training core team done simultaneous interpretation at Kuala Lumpur Golden Horse Hotel for motivational course and company listing discussion and announcements.
Consecutive interpreting for Business Matching 2018 - MATRADE Malaysia
Simultaneous interpretation for MSD Animal Health. 同步翻译- 动物保健
Simultaneous interpreting for Global Business Forum @ Yearly event ! 年度-全球领袖峰会同步翻译
Interpreting for the Malaysian government ministry of agriculture at Putrajaya
Engineering Training 工程培训 27 Feb 2019, I provide the Engineering FMEA training cum lectures to local Malaysia company, a group of senior engineers, managers and Managing Director. 今天我提供 FMEA 工程培训给马来西亚本土公司,风险测量评估步骤于与故障及不良品改进方法给10位工程师和董事经理。
Consultant for Japanese MNC in Klang Malaysia on 5S and manufacturing system cum productivity improvement
4 days simultaneous interpretation at Bangkok Convention Center for USA MLM company @ Asia Conference. 4天在泰国会展中心为美国直销公司做同声翻译 !
Event in KLCC 12/3/2019. Collision Repair Training Workshop. CatEagle provide simultaneous interpretation and simultaneous interpretation equipment, booths, receivers and transmitter for the event. Job well done ! Mar 2019
CatEagle Translation and Training today done Penang 2018 inter island tourism forum consecutive interpretation. Our chief of marketing Kelly did the press conference Interpretation. 猫头鹰翻译培训社今天做交替翻译; 岛屿旅游。Dated on 24 Oct 2018.
Regular consecutive interpretation at ITBM for marriage registeration interpreting (Malaysian and Foreigner) 婚姻注册翻译
Simultaneous interpreting for USA MLM company Mary-kay 同步翻译 - Aug 2017 at Sunway Convention Center
CatEagle SYLee interpreting for ASLI strategies research center Malaysia and China KwangXi Strategies Research Center.
CatEagle Apr monthly gathering to discuss strategies and explore new business opportunities. A company to put our faith in God and In God we Trust !
Simultaneous interpreting at Jogyakarta 23 Apr to 27 Apr 2018 for Asia Aromatherapy Conference. 亚洲芳香疗法精油大会做同步翻译@ 印尼热惹雅加达! CatEagle SYLee and Kelly Wong
In God we Trust and Glory to God. 22 Sept 2019 afternoon 2pm to 6pm. CatEagle Translation and Training done simultaneous interpretation for COML Ecology Conference. English - Chinese Mandarin and English - Korean interpretation. CatEagle also provide two booths, transmitter and 200 receivers. We mobilized 7 technicians and 4 interpreters. Job well done and only can said this glory is to LORD Jesus Christ. Ethan Zhu our CatEagle chief admin has lead the team well with our no compromise guiding principle of Deuteronomy.
8 Oct 2019 CatEagle Translation and Training in charge of event at Mitec for Lazada Malaysia. We do simultaneous interpretation and SIS equipment, two booths, 1 truss, 2 console, and 2000 receivers. English-Chinese Mandarin simultaneous interpretation. CatEagle mobilized 19 persons to in charge of the whole event for interpretation and simultaneous interpreting system.
To God be the Glory. 荣耀归耶和华! 20 to 21 Aug CatEagle Translation and Training done Simultaneous interpreting English-Chinrse and Japanese for Asia Petrochemical conference at KLCC. We also in charge of interpretation equipment and translation and parallel session interpreting. Total 6000 delegate from Asia attended the event. 猫头鹰翻译培训社为亚洲石油大会做华文-英文-日文同声翻译, 总共12场同传 。 同时猫头鹰也负责翻译器和笔译项目。 We mobilized 8 CatEagle interpreters. 我们动员8位猫头鹰翻译员。
CatEagle Translation & Training team (4 pax) done CI and SI for Deustch bank at Singapore from 14 to 16 May 2018. 猫头鹰翻译培训社于新加坡德意志银行做交替和同步翻译。 Marina Bay Hotel. We have done well. All glory to God !
Nov 2018 - Simultaneous interpretation for Malaysia China Construction Bank @ organized the International Branch manager training 3 days
CatEagle interpretation event at KLCC Malaysia business conference and SIS equipment supplier.
Done one day simultaneous interpretation for Kreston Accounting conference at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Interpreting for 2019 biggest Investment project in Selangor, Malaysia
13 Mar 2019 : 15 Mar 2019 ; 2 events CatEagle Translation and Training chief interpreter Kelly and interpreter Ethan done simultaneous interpretation for one international investment company on their training and seminar at Kuala Lumpur. 猫头鹰翻译培训社三月中做大型同声翻译,每个投资公司,首席翻译官黄佩珊(原安息日会)和翻译员朱庭浩(原卫理公会)!
CatEagle SYLee provide Engineering FMEA and 8D training at Petaling Jaya - Public Trainin
Simultaneous interpreting for Asia Obsterical and Gynecology Conference @ End of July 2018. 同声翻译 @ 亚洲妇科与产科大会。
Early Jun 2019 done simultaneous interpretation for Qingdao University of Science and technology professor and Dean. 为青岛科技大学教授做同声翻译。
Simultaneous interpreting for Belt and Road at Kuala Lumpur 2019 - We mobilized 8 interpreters from CatEagle. Glory to God!!
Provide 5S Awareness and Implementation training to Heriot Watt University, staff, lecturers and associate professor
1 to 5 July 2019 total 5 days CatEagle Translation and Training provide engineering consecutive interpretation for China company biggest investment in this region at Shah Alam. Three interpreters Soong Yee, Kelly and Xue Qin attended the interpretation from 9am to 8pm. I can again proclaim : Glory to God and Soli Deo Gloria.
Technical Training 工程培训 Conducted FMEA and QA methodology technical training at German Company. Year 2015.
CatEagle SYLee provide volunteer training on 5S methodology for charity organization, NGO Sau Seng Lum (Puchong) Dialysis & Stroke Rehabilitation Centre! 提供义务培训5S方略, 给马来西亚NGO洗肾和中风及癌症治疗中心。
Done 3 days simultaneous interpretation at Bangkok Thailand for Herbalife Asia Pacific Conference
27 Jun to 1 July 2019, 5 days, CatEagle Translation and Training sent 3 interpreters Ethan and Kelly done consecutive and accompanied interpretation for China official and business delegation at Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya and Melaka. 中国国家贸易促进委员会眉山市委员会! China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Meishan council. Job well done. All glory to God our LORD. 荣耀归主。
SYLee provide 4 session of 5S methodology trainng to employee of F&N Malaysia
Consecutive interpreting for China conglomerate Vinda Group at Malaysia
Simultaneous interpretation for China One Belt One Road Conference and discussion
Provide Public Training at Kuala Lumpur, FMEA Methology to managers and engineers
CatEagle Translation and Training on the spot working on intensive summarization and translation and stenographer. 20 September 2019; 3pm-10pm: Summarise & translate 5 speeches as VIP speak for the China delegates in the founding ceremony of China Jiangsu Enterprise Association at Kuala Lumpur. Bravo to our CatEagle senior translator and chief admin Ethan Zhu.
SYLee Conducted 5S training at Brunei University to 120 executive and government officers, 提供5S培训讲课给120执行人员和政府官员, 地点文莱大学
End of Aug 2018 done simultaneous interpreting at Four Season Hotel Singapore for China-Singapore Knowledge City Forum. 2018 年8月在新加坡四季酒店做同声翻译 @ 新加坡中国知识城论坛。
一个星期 五月20 - 25 都在中国公司维达国际公司为主任,会测师,顾问工程师做电机,建筑,结构工程,图纸,设计,招标和研究项目同声和交替翻译。 Concurrently simultaneously and consecutive interpretation for Engineering company on schematic drawing, construction drawing, structure, tender document and engineering consultants.
Interpreting at Wisma MCA for government program
CatEagle Translation and Training ( done 3 days simultaneous interpretation at Langkawi Convention Center for Dell International Event @15 to 17 May. 猫头鹰翻译培训社在蓝卡威做三天同声翻译 @ 国际戴尔项目 ! 我们负责翻译和同传设备! Interpretation and SIS equipment.
CatEagle chief interpreter SYLee done Simultaneous interpretation for USA MLM company NUSkin at Penang, Jun 2018
Simultaneous interpreting at GuangDong China for Dutch company
ASEAN + 3 meeting at Malaysia - Nov 2018
Done consecutive interpretation for Germany Deutsche Bank at Marina Convention Center Singapore
Glory to God our LORD 荣耀归主 CatEagle Translation and Training done 3 days simultaneous interpretation from 20 to 22 September at Cotai, Macau for USA Tour and Vacation company. 3000 audience attended the event at Macau, China. Principal Lee Soong Yee and chief interpreter Kelly Wong. 猫头鹰翻译培训社为美国最大的旅游公司在中国澳门做同声翻译。社长李颂义,首席翻译员黄佩珊。
15 January 2019 @ I conducted the engineering 5S methodology training and lectures to Japanese MNC company Lintec Sdn Bhd... a group of 19 employees, including CEO, managers, engineers, and technicians, from 9am to 5pm, includes theory, practical activities, and test. 今天我提供工程培训教课给日本企业一共19人,学员包括公司总裁,经理,工程师和技术人员。
Done two days consecutive interpretation for Malaysia Arbitration KLRCA head Prof Sundra and China Arbitration center at Kuala Lumpur.
Provide Technical Training @ on 27 Apr 2019 SYLee done voluntarily 5S Awareness training for Sau Seng Lam dialysis and charity center at Petaling Jaya, the Sau Seng Lam HQ. All their staff attended this training.
In God we Trust 荣耀归主耶稣 21 to 23 Feb 2019 # CatEagle Translation and Training senior interpreters done three days seminar at Golden Horse Hotel on Success Philosophy for US and Malaysia joint venture company. For Chinese English and Chinese Japanese simultaneous interpretation. Glory to Jesus Christ. CatEagle most core team : Jacqueline How, Kelly Wong, Cheong Chen and Soong Yee. In God we Trust
Glory to God. CatEagle Translation and Training done consecutive interpretation for Helicopter Summit. Another big project for CatEagle. 猫头鹰翻译社做亚洲直升机峰会大会翻译。 翻译社另一有意义的工作。 荣耀归神! # In God we Trust
Glory to God our LORD Jesus Christ 荣耀归耶和华上帝 5 Oct 2018 done simultaneous interpretation for 2018 Sunway Leadership Conference at Kuala Lumpur Sunway Convention center. There were 2600 leaders attended the conference. 2018 双威集团领袖大会做同声音翻译! ?2600领袖出席大会
Early Mar 2019 SYLee and Ben Yap done simultaneous interpretation at KLCC plenary hall for Hong Kong automotive exhibition and seminar !
Consecutive interpreting for Korean Pastor 2017 - 为韩国牧师做交替翻译
Interpreting for Honda Machines buy off and Qualification from Taiwan
All glory to God Jehovah Jireh. 荣耀荣耀归耶和华 @ 27 September 2019 CatEagle Translation and Training done simultaneous interpretation for Vistage CEO Summit in Kuala Lumpur. We provide SIS equipment too. Attended by 300 CEO. 猫头鹰翻译培训为马来西亚首席执行官峰会做同声翻译和提供翻译设备。一共300位首席执行官参与大会。
18 to 21 Feb 2019 done simultaneous interpretation at Bali Conrad Hotel for USA Cisco conference. 印尼巴厘岛为美国企业思科做同声翻译。All praises be to our LORD Jesus Christ. The ever living almighthy God!
14 Feb 2020, CatEagle Translation and Training done one simultaneous interpretation English Chinese Mandarin for 28th HINO Dealers Conference at HINO Head Quarter at Petaling Jaya Kuala Lumpur. Glory to God our LORD.
Conducted Public Training @ 7 Nov 2018 I conducted the Engineering 8D process and methodology training to a group of bioscience research scientist. 今天提供8D流程方案培训给一群食物工艺科学研究员。
Glory to Our Lord 荣耀归主 21 Dec 2018 done consecutive interpretation for China Guangxi Public Policy research center with Malaysia Instititute Strategic and International Studies. 我为中国广西公共策略中南半岛研究所和马来西亚策略和国际研究所做翻译。 A long long meeting 很长的会议
Done simultaneous interpreting for Doterra Essential Oil Singapore
Consecutive interpreting for Development and Motivational training
Done one day simultaneous interpretation for Asia Horology conference at Shangrila Singapore
Conduct 5S and DMAIC training for French company at Selangor, Malaysia
Dec 2018 delivered sermon and teaching at North Thailand church with interpreter to Thai.
Simultaneous interpreting for Central Bank and Business School July 2019.
Simultaneous interpretatin for Caterpillar, USA Company 同声翻译
25 Feb 2020 CatEagle interpreter Kelly done consecutive interpretation at KL High court. 今天猫头鹰翻译培训社翻译员 Kelly 于吉隆坡高等法庭做交替翻译。
Simultaneous interpretation 1 day for Sime Darby leadership program 为森那美高层领袖训练做同步翻译
Simultaneous interpreting for USANA Conferernce at Shah Alam - CatEagle mobilized 5 interpreters.
14 Oct 2019 at Kota Kinabalu. CatEagle Translation and Training done whispering interpretation and simultaneous interpretation for Sabah deputy Chief minister and China Fujian and Sabah Investment and cooperation park. Attended by Soong Yee (principal) and Lim Koo (interpreter). Image may contain: 1 person, sitting, table and indoor
19 and 20 Oct 2019 from 9am to 11pm. CatEagle Translation and Training mobilized 6 interpreter done simultaneous interpretation for English Chinese Malay on crypto currency for one Malaysia international company. Samuel Chew (Brethren) the leader to guide and manage the team, Lim Koo, Kelly, Ethan Zhu, Wan Ling and Yu Lin. The audience 10000 attendance! 猫头鹰翻译培训社出动六位翻译员做同声翻译,加密货币。曹凯文(弟兄会)领队, 庭浩, 林谷,佩珊,婉宁,昱琳。
Done one year engineering 5S and cost reduction consultancy cum training for Japanese Chemical manufacturing factory at Klang.
Consecutive interpreting (volunteer) for yearly Christmas day at my Ampang Chinese Methodist Church.
26 Sept 2019 Lee Soong Yee conducted the Engineering 5S training to a group of 15 pax consist of manager, engineers, technician and supervisor. 猫头鹰翻译培训社李颂义提供工程5S方法培训教课给15位工程人员, 有工程经理,工程师,技术人员和管工。 CatEagle to trust in God.
Simultaneous interpreting for Offshore Finance Center @ Labuan offshore finance procedures.
Simultaneous interpreting at Bali Island for USA company CISCO 3 days - Feb 2019
Interpreting for China Company for engineering design
Working on simultaneous interpretation for European Poultry Industry
Glory to God. CatEagle Translation and Training done EMCEE for one local company at Kuala Lumpur for their auction event today .In God we Trust and we can succeed if everything we do humbly and submit to our LORD. 猫头鹰翻译培训社今天下午做大会司仪。 7 Apr 2019 1pm to 4pm.
SYLee conducted technical report writing training for 25 senior engineers at USA company
Simultaneous interpreting for USANA USA and Asia Pacific - English Chinese and Malay.
Provide 1 day simultaneous interpretatin for Christian DIOR at Bali Indonesian. 于印尼巴厘岛为 Christian DIOR 做一天的同声翻译
Yearly event, Malaysia Palm Oil Conference simultaneous interpreting. 每年都项目,马来西亚棕油大会同声翻译
Another consecutive interpretation at University Kebangsaan Malaysia for Institute of Malaysian & International Studies (IKMAS), they published few books on Belt and Road initiative at Malaysia and London. I done the intellectual discourse between BRI scholars from China and Prof. Sufian Jusoh, a prominent UKM 21st Century Maritime Silk Road researcher. 为马来西亚国立大学国际研究院做翻译。
Simultaneous interpreation for USA Fortune 500 companay ; 为世界500强美国公司翻译
Google headquarters Jakarta ; 雅加达谷歌总部 @ 15 Oct 2018. Done siimultaneous interpretation and consecutive interpretatin 3 days
Simultaneous interpreting for one MLM company at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - Jun 2018
11 Aug 2017 Friday done simultaneous interpreting for Malueleca at Bangkok Thailand. 于泰国曼谷为美乐嘉公司做同步翻译!
8 Oct 2019 CatEagle Translation and Training in charge of event at Mitec for Lazada Malaysia. We do simultaneous interpretation and SIS equipment, two booths, 1 truss, 2 console, and 2000 receivers. English - Chinese Mandarin simultaneous interpretation. CatEagle mobilized 19 persons to in charge of the whole event for interpretation and simultaneous interpreting system.
July-2018 Interpol project (France) at Kuala Lumpur JW-Marriot Hotel 2018年国际刑警组织吉隆坡项目
SYLee provide Foreign-Malaysia marriage interpreation for registration at ITBM - my usual place and room for register and interpretation - 提供马来西亚和外国结婚注册翻译 (ITBM 房间和常坐的位子)
From Monday to Wednesday 25 to 27 Feb 2019. CatEagle Translation and Training provide simultaneous interpretation at Shangri-la Hotel for Baxter medical and surgery research. We delivered English, Japanese,Korean and Mandarin . Mobilized total 10 CatEagle simultaneous interpreters to accomplish the interpretation. Chief coordinator Kelly Wong and Lim Koo, they arranged all logistic and also did Chinese SI. Both of them key personnel in CatEagle to win businesses and find new clients. 猫头鹰翻译培训社提供医药同声翻译, 英语,汉语,日语,韩语和泰语。猫头鹰动员10位核心猫头鹰翻译员执行3天翻译工作。
Jan 2019 -CatEagle Translation and Training done two days simultaneous interpretation at Manila Philippines for banking compliance @ ING bank Netherlands and China.
26 and 27 Nov 2018 done simultaneous interpretation for ASEAN +3 Senior Labor officer and ASEAN Labor minister meeting at Kuala Lumpur. 我做同生声翻译 @ 东盟加三(中国,日本,南韩)劳工部长级会议
CatEagle interpretation at China, Hangzhou Dutch factory
CatEagle team in charge of Military Medical Simultaneous interprering for Korean, Chinese and English for USA Company Zoll - 2018 (3 days SI 三天同声翻译)
Global Leadership Seminar at Thailand Bangkok, interpreted for 2 days. 全球领袖峰会,泰国曼谷举行 @ 同声翻译两天
6 Mar 2018 interpreting for Kiwanis international at Putra Jaya. 为世界同济会做翻译!
SYLee done simultaneous interpretation for China PLA and Malaysian Army You Yi joint exercise and chief army commander of China PLA.
Jun 2018 two weeks - Done interpreting for Dutch company at Guangdong China. Technical audit and Preventive maintenance improvement at gelatin factory. 中国广东, 开平做翻译 ! To God be the Glory 荣耀归上帝!
CatEagle 14 Jun 2019 CatEagle Translation and Training done Simultaneous interpretation at Penang for USA health care and beauty and body weight management company!
Simultaneous Interpreting for Amway at Busan City, Korea
3 days simultaneous interpreting for World Entrepreneurs Organization master training class and lecture
I conduced engineering process and design FMEA for a group of 27 engineers at Melaka, Malaysia
29 Sept 2019 6pm to 11pm. CatEagle Translation and Training done simultaneous interpretation and SIS equipment for China Block Chain company product and platform launching ceremony. 2019年九月29日6pm 至 11pm 猫头鹰翻译培训社为中国区块链公司推介礼做同声翻译和提供翻译设备。 Attended by Kelly, Ethan, Tian En, Soong Yee, John and Barbara. In God we Trust and supper afterward in one prayer!
Interpret for Kuala Lumpur Investment company - Sep 2017
SYLee provide 5S and Produtivity improvement consultancy to Japanese Company in Malaysia
17 Oct 2019 CatEagle Translation and Training done consecutive interpretation at MDEC Malaysia Digital Economic Corporation. Our interpreter Lee Wan Ling attended the event. Glory to God. 猫头鹰翻译培训社为马来西亚数字经济机构做翻译。
Simultaneous interpreting for the Universities alliance 3rd Wonderful World event at Kuala Lumpur, for Water, Land and Natural Resources mininter and director of Wildlife Department. 同声翻译,世界大学联盟,及马来西亚天然资源部长和野生动物保护单位主任。 1June 2019.
Glory to God. 荣耀归主 @ 22 Feb 2020, I provide Engineering 5S Methodology and implementation training to 11 Industrial Engineering consultants. 今天我提供工程5S培训给11位工业工程顾问。
Simultaneous interpreting for Malaysia-China Port alliance 为马来西亚-中国港口联盟做同声翻译
End of February 2019, total there days consecutive interpretation for Chinese conglomerate biggest investment in Selangor. The interpretation include 24 Feb which is Sunday. Sunday is our CatEagle Sabbath day. The Bible tens commandment ordered that we shall not work on Sabbath day. But we have Kelly Wong , she is from the Seven days Adventist Christian. They recognize only Saturday is the Sabbath day. So she can work on Sunday. CatEagle core team member attended were Soong Yee,. Kelly Wong and Yu Lin. In God we trust and to Jesus be the Glory.
Done simultaneous interpreting for Asean Rail Summit 2017 at Kuala Lumpur @ 6 Sep 2017 为2017 东南亚轨道峰会做同步翻译!
Interpreted for JP Morgan Chase Bank Berhad, Jan 2016. Done for CEO and few other director with the China delegate. 为摩根大通总裁和总监做翻译。
Glory to God our LORD; Soli Deo Gloria. CatEagle Translation and Training done 3 days simultaneous interpretation English - Chinese Mandarin at Melaka Hilton Hotel for NU Skin @ 23 to 25 Oct 2019. Interpreter Wan Ling done it. 三天为美国如新做同声翻译 @ 马六甲希尔顿酒店。 猫头鹰出来工作,需要见证让福音和让上帝的公义广传!
Nov 2018 - Simultaneous interpretation at Bali Indonesia for World Bank and IMF
Interpreting at Ampang Chinese Methodist Church for Sunday Worship sermon, our retired pastor Rev Huang Liang Hong. 与教会主日崇拜为长牧黄粱鸿牧师翻译。
Simultaneous interpreation for Malaysia Institute of Engineer
15 Sept 2019 Ampang Chinese Methodist Church Pastor Day and Holy Communion Sunday. Soong Yee delivered the sermon in the first session and second session Sunday Worship "The servant of God" 2019年9月15日 :安邦基督教卫理公会敬牧主日同时举行圣餐; 李颂义在第一堂和第二堂讲道 “上帝的仆人” 撒上二十六:2-9 First Samuel 26:2-9
SYLee interpreting for China Army Regiment business meeting at Kuala Lumpur
All glory to God Jehovah Jireh. 荣耀荣耀归耶和华 @ 27 September 2019 CatEagle Translation and Training done simultaneous interpretation for Vistage CEO Summit in Kuala Lumpur. We provide SIS equipment too. Attended by 300 CEO. 猫头鹰翻译培训为马来西亚首席执行官峰会做同声翻译和提供翻译设备。一共300位首席执行官参与大会。
Jun and July simultaneous interpretation for NU Skin at Kuala Lumpur Head quarter and Penang Eastin Hotel for all the success celebration events.
Done 3 days simultaneous interpretation for World Entrepreneurs Organization Taipan Asia Pacific Training
Simultaneous interpreting for China High Speed rail. 中国高铁同声翻译
Technical Training 工程培训 Conducted 5S and 7QC tools technical training to Kariburg company at Malaysia. 提供5S 和 7品质管理给Kraiburg 公司的15位工程师。 Year 2016 年
19 and 20 Oct 2019 from 9am to 11pm. CatEagle Translation and Training mobilized 6 interpreter done simultaneous interpretation for English Chinese Malay on crypto currency for one Malaysia international company. Samuel Chew (Brethren) the leader to guide and manage the team, Lim Koo, Kelly, Ethan Zhu, Wan Ling and Yu Lin. The audience 10000 attendance! 猫头鹰翻译培训社出动六位翻译员做同声翻译,加密货币。曹凯文(弟兄会)领队, 庭浩, 林谷,佩珊,婉宁,昱琳。
Done consecutive interpreting at Malaysia Veterinary Laboratory, Putrajaya for control disease and epidemic
Done Singapore 2 days simultaneous interpretation for Russina company in oil and gas. 两天俄罗斯企业石油和天然气同步翻译。地点:新加坡
Conducted SMART Goal Setting seminar ; SMART目标设定讲课和培训
Interpreting for Asia Football Confederation at HQ ! 亚洲足球联合会总部
Simultaneous interpretation one day for New Silk Road. 同声翻译 – 新丝绸之路
Interpreting for Australian National Hockey coach, 3 times world champion
Done 3 days Holland Big Dutchmen poutry company simultaneous interpretation at KLCC Malaysia. 三天为荷兰家畜养殖公司做同声翻译 @ 马来西亚双子塔会展中心
18 Sep 2018 done simultaneous interpreting for Institute of Engineer Malaysia on Engineering challenges for Tunneling Conference 2018. 为马来西亚工程师学会做同声翻译 @ 2018年亚洲隧道大会。 Venue : Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
Done interpretation at Manila Philippine for China Hainan Municipal Government and the Philippine Government ; 于菲律宾 马尼拉为中国海南省政府和菲律宾签约翻译
Done one day simultaneous interpretation for World Economic Forum and One Belt One Road strategy
Done one day simultaneous interpretation for Sunway Manager Conference at Kuala Lumpur
Conducted training on Interpretation and Translation at Malaysia Putra University - Apr 2018 - 于马来西亚大学教导翻译和口译课程
Simultaneous interpreting for Jo Melone London.
Conduct 5S training for German manufacturing company in Kuala Lumpur
CatEagle Samuel Chew done simultaneous interpretation project for English Malay Indonesian at Manila Philippines Facebook summit @ 10-12 July 2019.
Simultaneous interpreting at Manila Philippine for China Belt and Road 2019.
CatEagle done 3 days simultaneous interpretation for USA World Venture - Jun 2019.
CatEagle Translation and Training senior interpreter Kim Koo done simultaneous interpretation at Rome Italy. 16 - 20th Sep, 2019. Sheraton Roma Hotel & Convention Center. Topic on Crohn's Disease Investigators Meeting in Rome : Global Reach, Science that Drives Discovery Forward, presented in English and interpreted into 8 languages. Lim in charge of English Chinese Mandarin. 猫头鹰翻译培训社资深翻译Lim 弟兄在意大利罗马做中英同声翻译。
CatEagle team in charge of Medical vaccine company Simultaneous interprering for Japanese, Chinese and English for USA Company - Feb 2018, 4 interpreters 5 days
Done 1 day simultaneous interpratation for China – ASEAN Young Entrepreneur forum at Kuala Lumpur, 吉隆坡同声翻译 – 中国-东盟企业家座谈会
Interpret for Taiwan Celebrity , Young Golden Horse Award Winner
17 Oct 2019 CatEagle Translation and Training done simultaneous interpretation and accompanied interpretation for Belt and Road China Sichuan Chengdu Malaysia aconomic and trade cooperation exchange meeting. We sent 3 interpreters. 猫头鹰翻译培训社动员三位翻译,二位同传,一位随同翻译,一带一路中国成都吉隆坡贸易交流会议。
26 May 2018 CatEagle Translation & Training; SYLee and Kelly Wong. Done Chinese-English-Malay Simultaneous interpreting and Chinese- Malay Simultaneous interpreting at Setia Convention Center. CatEagle Translation - In God we Trust !
Done 2 days simultaneous interpretation for Malaysia National sports coaching conference at Kuala Lumpur
Interpreting for Prime Minister of Malaysia @ CatEagle SYLee Nov 2018 done simultaneous interpretation for Prime Minister of Malaysia Tun Dr Mahatir at World Chinese Economic Forum at Kuala Lumpur
Regularly every month done marriage certification and consecutive interpreting at Malaysia Institute of Books and Translation
20 July 2019 CatEagle Translation and Training done the simultaneous interpretation at Seoul Korea for Kura conference on "Precision Medicine to treat Cancer". English-Malay. 猫头鹰翻译培训社在韩国首尔做同声翻译@癌症治疗护理; 英文 - 马来文。
End of Sep 2018 simultaneous interpreting for China company gala dinner and lots of traditional Chinese song were sang along the whole event. 为中国公司晚宴做同声翻译, 4个翻译箱5种语言, 出动8位翻译员。 English-Chinese Mandarin-Russian-Spanish-Korean-Japanese
Glory to God our LORD 荣耀归神我们的主 Today 19 Sept 2019 CatEagle Translaion and Training elite team Kelly Wong and Ethan Zhu done conseutive interpretation for Taiwan Evergreen airline ! Bravo. 今天2019年九月19日,猫头鹰翻译培训社为台湾长荣航空做交替翻译!Another successful milestone for CatEagle!!
Thanks God 感谢主! 2 Apr 2019 I did consecutive interpretation at Malaysia MATRADE for business matching. 在马来西亚贸发局做商业配对交替翻译。
Conducting lecture on Interpretation and Translation at UPM on 7 Apr 2018. 在马来西亚农业大学讲课。